//create the new object
$fl = new phpFlickr($FLICKR['api_key']);
//get the usercode
$usercode = $fl->people_findByUsername("{$FLICKR['username']}");
$FLICKR['usercode'] = $usercode['id'];
//if you want to cache the query
$photos_url = $fl->urls_getUserPhotos("{$FLICKR['usercode']}");
$currentset = $_GET['id'];
//get photoset meta data
$psi = $fl->photosets_getInfo($currentset);
$ps_count = $psi['photos'];
//get primary photo ID
$ps_primary = $fl->photos_getInfo($psi['primary']);
$ps_title = $psi['title'];
$ps_desc = $psi['description'];
//print out primary with meta data
echo "
//echo "
buildPhotoURL($ps_primary, "small")."\" />";
echo "
//for looping through the photoset photos
$photoset = $fl->photosets_getPhotos($currentset);
echo "
echo "
echo "
//determine which size image to get from flickr for the thumbnail based on the dimensions
if($INNERTHUMB['width'] <= 75 && $INNERTHUMB['height'] <= 75){ $_getsize = 'square';}
if($INNERTHUMB['width'] <= 180 && $INNERTHUMB['height'] <= 180){ $_getsize = 'small';}
else{ $_getsize = 'medium';}
foreach($photoset['photo'] as $photo){
//echo "
echo "";
echo "buildPhotoURL($photo, "$_getsize") . " />";
echo "";
Click on a thumbnail to view photo.
total images in this set. Use the scroll buttons above to view more thumbnails.
Click here to go back to list of photosets.